How do reach your audience? How do you get in touch with potential customers? How can you get the right awareness for your products or services?
Let Misset International help you!

Misset International is the publisher of the leading media brands in the agricultural sector. With our 5 brands, All About Feed, Pig Progress, Poultry World, Dairy Global and Future Farming we reach the entire agricultural market, worldwide! With our different channels and promotion activities, we will help you to reach your marketing goal.

All About Feed is a multimedia brand focused on the latest developments in animal nutrition, feed formulation and animal feed machines.

Pig Progress is the most important source for the international swine (meat) sector and provides essential information for all parties in the sector.

Poultry World focuses on the international poultry industry and informs about the latest global developments and innovations. 

Dairy Global is a must read for progressive dairy farmers, vets and professionals in the (global) dairy industry.

Future Farming addresses all global challenges and technical developments concerning precision agriculture in the near future.

International events

In addition to our magazines, websites and newsletters, it is also possible to participate as a partner in one of our seminars and/or webinars.


Get in touch with your target group!

In addition to our regular issues, we also publish several specials each year with relevant industry themes. These specials will be added to the circulation of Pig Progress, Poultry World, All About Feed and Dairy Global and will be distributed during global events and fairs in addition to our regular mailing.  That means visibility across the entire livestock market worldwide!

In 2024, we will publish 3 different specials.

Meet our sales team

If you would like more information, have any inquiries about our advertising opportunities, special editions and/or our seminars and webinars. Please feel free to contact our international sales team via or contact one of our accountmanagers. 

Dhierinder Ramcharan

Dhierinder Ramcharan

Key Account Manager
Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, MEA,
Southern Europe, South America
+31 (0) 610559938

Geke Koudenburg

Geke Koudenburg

Key Account Manager
Asia, Pacific,
The Netherlands, France
+31 (0) 622037055

Joey Wensink

Joey Wensink

Strategic Development Manager
United Kingdom, Ireland

+31 (0) 613779329

Eline de Rijk

Eline de Rijk

Key Account Manager
Switzerland, Austria, Germany,
United States & Canada
+31 (0) 657131092